


Thank you for your faithfulness in giving.

St. Martin’s and its ministries are supported by our offerings of ourselves, our time, and our possessions. We strive to give as God has so graciously given to us.

There are many ways to give and many wonderful funds to give to through St. Martin’s and its ministries. Click “Give Now” to check out the drop-down menu to select a fund that you would like to support.

Give Online

Realm is St. Martin’s online giving portal. Click the button below to make a single donation, or set up recurring offerings. Use the drop-down menu to choose which fund or ministry you would like to give to.

Give by Mail

Make checks payable to St. Martin’s Lutheran Church, and note the ministry or fund you’d like to give to in the memo line. Then mail checks addressed to:

St. Martin’s Lutheran Church
606 W. 15th Street
Austin TX 78701