St. Martin’s Lunch Bag Ministry

St. Martin’s Lunch Bag Ministry

What:  Provide shelf stable meals to the unhoused
Where:  SMLC, out the 16th street door
When:  Volunteers needed every Monday-Friday from 9AM-11AM
How: Sign up for as many individual slots as you are able.  LBM Volunteer Sign Up This is the link to sign up genius. Sign up as your time permits.
If you are a first time volunteer please contact Stephanie at for a brief training.

Questions:  Email

St. Martin’s lunch bag ministry volunteers welcome our hungry guests and give them one or two bag lunches. Volunteers often have short conversations with our homeless neighbors and thus let them know that St. Martin’s cares about each of them.

Bags are filled with snacks and beverages like Vienna sausages, juice, fruit snacks, applesauce, as well as treats like candy. Water bottles are also provided.

You can get involved with this ministry by volunteering to give out lunches during the week, being on the team to help pack lunches, or by making an offering to help buy supplies through Realm or by writing a check.