
Worship is at the center of what we are called to do as people of God. It is in worship that we come to praise God but it is also in worship that we are fed and nourished with Word and Sacrament, strengthened and empowered to go forth into the world to serve our neighbors in need.

Christmas Eve at St. Martin’s

Welcome Message from Pastor Ellen


SMLC Worship Ministry Opportunities -Join the Worship Team

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Fall-Spring Worship Schedule
9:00am and 11:00am.

Worship Committee Chair
Tom Friedrich

Pastor Ellen’s Welcome

Welcome to St. Martin’s Lutheran Church! We are glad you are a part of our community.

Worship with us on Sunday Morning. The 9AM Sunday Family Service is a short 45 minutes with our talented house band. I enjoy planning this service with Tim O’Brien, Music Director, because he takes a theme that I pull from the text and finds sacred and secular music that helps us explore how God is with us in all the moments of our lives. The 11AM Worship  service brings to life all that is wonderful in a traditional Lutheran worship service. Organist and Associate Music Director Austin Haller makes incredible music on our two organs and Tim O’Brien directs our dedicated choir through sacred music of the ages as we celebrate God’s love in traditional liturgy, hymns, and prayers.

Along with worship, we hope that you will join us in Faith Formation, with new opportunities to study the Bible. Join the lively Crossways Bible Study on Sundays, 10AM-10:50AM to read the Bible slowly and discuss it in detail, to better understand how the Bible applies to our lives today. We are also offering a new opportunity to explore our Sunday Lesson texts during the Wednesday Lunchtime Lectionary Study. We will be studying the lectionary text for two weeks ahead, discussing potential sermon topics, and learning how to write sermons. This group will meet on Wednesdays via zoom from 12-12:50pm. There are also offerings for children, 0yrs-12th grade. Visit our Faith Formation pages for complete details.

May God bless you as you come in to St. Martin’s and go out into the world,

Pr. Ellen

SMLC Worship Ministry Opportunities

Each of you should use whatever gift have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

View a complete list of all SMLC Ministry Opportunities
Fill out this form to share your skills and interests.

Prepare the sanctuary for communion services and for baptisms, as needed. Training provided; volunteers needed to set up for both services prior to Sunday morning; clean up communion ware used at the 9 a.m. service and set out communion ware for the 11 a.m. service; clean up after the 11
a.m. service.

Members serve during each service to assist the Pastor with serving communion, reading prayers, and doing any other task needed to help keep the service running smoothly. A binder is provided for each service that outlines the entire service so you know what to expect. Training is provided.

Serve communion to members and visitors at Saint Martin’s on Sundays

Ushers offer a welcoming greeting to all, distribute bulletins, collect offering, count attendance, usher parishioners to communion, and help visitors.

Help with audio and video for the live stream and recording of our services. We can train you, no expertise needed! This ministry keeps members connected with services when they cannot attend in person and is a great outreach to those who
haven’t visited St. Martin’s before.

Enhance the worship experience for special festival occasions, e.g., Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Reformation Day. Obtain and care for green plants used in the sanctuary throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to sell Christmas poinsettias and Easter lilies on Sunday mornings for several weeks before the services, decorate the Christmas trees, pick up, unload and arrange poinsettias and lilies for services, and prepare and distribute the plants to  shut-ins. Volunteers are also needed on a weekly basis to care for the green plants.

Worship through song with the St. Martin’s Choir, Handbells, and Symphonic Winds. Choir rehearses each Wednesday and sings during the weekly traditional service. Handbells rehearse weekly and play 5–8 times a year. Symphonic Winds rehearse the Saturday before participating in a Sunday worship service about once each quarter. Other small groups are formed for special occasions. (All groups pause rehearsals in the summer.) Whether you have sung or played recently or not, all are welcome!