Worship With Us-
Saturday- September 30th
5pm Contemplative Worship – Live Stream
A contemplative service of Holy Communion in the Chapel.
This service will be led by Pr. Travis Fitzgold and will include simple music and space for silent prayer. Enter the chapel through the glass doors at the 15th street entrance.
Creation Sunday and Blessing of the Animals
Sunday October 1st
8:45-12:15-Nursery Open ages 0-4yrs
9AM Family Worship, in person-Live Streaming
We welcome you to our Family Worship, a casual and reflective service of togetherness. The 9am Sunday Family service of Holy Communion is a shorter 45-minute service at which our band leads music in a wide variety of styles connecting the sacred and the secular. The worship music is a contemporary blend of piano, drums, guitar and vocal.
11AM Traditional Worship, in-person –
The 11am Sunday Traditional service of Holy Communion has music, liturgy, and hymns led by our choir and organ. We welcome you to our traditional worship The Holy Spirit gathers us around the means of grace – the saving Word of God and the sacraments. From the table of communion where Jesus Christ comes with forgiveness, life, and salvation, God sends us out to share the good news and to care for those in need.
Faith Formation
9:45am Children pre-k-5th grade are dismissed to Chapel. Godly Play and JAM teachers will take the children to their classrooms
10:00am-Middle School, High School meet on the first floor youth rooms.
Adults- 10:00am
Come as You Are- Parlor
Crossways Bible Study- Rm 230